• Who runs NatureBid?
    NatureBid is developed and run by Sylva Foundation. It has been developed in partnership with the Environment Agency.
  • Does NatureBid bring forward funding for auctions and trades?
    NatureBid does not have direct access to funds, nor work with funders to bring forward trades or auctions. We rely on our delivery partners to bring forward funding and we provide the vehicle to distribute it.
  • How do you work with funders?
    We work closely with partners to pull together project requirements and specification for an auction or trade. We have a unique blend of land management and web development skills which means we can tailor an auction to your requirements.
  • How do you work with land managers?
    Our model is not to work directly with land managers, but to work with a delivery partner. This often takes the form of a local organisation which knows the locality well and has good connections to the target audience. A good example is the work done by FWAG SW in Somerset.
  • How much does it cost to run an auction?
    Each auction is unique. Costs are based on a combination of the development requirement as well as the running costs. As a charity, Sylva Foundation aims to keep the costs per auction as low as possible to deliver public good outcomes, allowing affordable access to the powerful functionality of NatureBid, for any size organisation/funder.
  • How long does it take to set up an auction?
    It typically takes about six months to set up an auction. This includes requirement gathering, development, testing, and customer engagement, as well as the running of the auction itself. The earlier you start working with us, the more successful the auction is likely to be.
  • How does the auction work for landowners?
    Land managers interact directly with the auction through NatureBid. They have their own accounts and can bid in to an auction as well as alter or remove their bids at any time while the auction is open.
  • Can we create bespoke measures and weighting?
    Funders can add as many environmental measures as they want to an auction. We have also developed functionality to ring-fence a budget to certain measures and limit the amount of money spent on other measures.
  • Can we use environmental modelling?
    We do not offer environmental modelling ourselves, but we are able to work with partners who do to help make NatureBid auctions smarter and more targeted. For example, in May 2021 we used natural flood management modelling developed by Atkins in a NatureBid auction for National Highways.